
Our Purpose

To fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with and empowering church leaders to develop healthy, growing Christians and churches; to strengthen and network ministry teams; and to effectively reach spiritual seekers in our communities and around the world.



Bringing the hope of Jesus to our communities.


Authentic Faith

The Bible is God's Word and must be relevantly communicated and practically applied in daily life.

Passion for Spiritual Seekers

The centerpiece of all that we do is reaching the unchurched and reconciling them to the Father God, through His Son, Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Healthy Relationships

The foundation to a vital, wholesome life and ministry is having healthy relationships with God and others.

Empowering Leaders

The effectiveness of ministry is enhanced as we equip, empower, network and resource leaders.

Serving Churches

The local churches are the focus of our service as we partner with and encourage them, respecting and celebrating their diversity.

Our team

Leadership Team


Don Ross

Network Leader



Andy Pursley

Associate Network Leader
Assistant Superintendent



Don Detrick

Associate Network Leader



Matt Harder

Youth Ministries Director



Nate Hartman

Children's Ministries Director



Greg Stern

Senior Director
Operations & Finance


Support Team


Tammy Payne

Executive Assistant to Don Ross
Network Leader



Emily Quigley

Executive Assistant to Andy Pursley Associate
Network Leader
Assistant Superintendent



Kim Wigestrand

Executive Assistant to Don Detrick
Associate Network Leader



Greg Backes

Media Production



Ashlee Beers

Administrative Assistant
to Don Detrick



Rachel Benskin

Operations Specialist



Abbie Brantley

Assistant to Youth Ministries



Teresa Brown

Administrative Assistant to Greg Stern



Aimee Hohag

Accounts Receivable Specialist



Ellacia Creed

Events & Projects Specialist



Maria Dugdale

Accounting Manager



Lexie Mahaffey

Credentials Specialist



Krystal Wornell

Administrative Assistant to Andy Pursley



Theresa Thacker

Human Resources Specialist



Ashley Wagner

Assistant to Children's Ministries



Executive Presbyters


Matt Chambers

Northwest Region
Mt. Baker
Greater Everett



Kim Martinez

Metro Region
Metro North
Metro Northeast
Metro South



Tyler Sollie

South Sound/Peninsula Region
Olympic Peninsula
West Sound
Tacoma West
Tacoma East



Scott Collins

Southwest Region
Mt. Rainier
Lower Columbia



Micah Cruger

South Central Region
Tri-Cities/Walla Walla



Vern Weaver

North Central Region
Wenatchee Valley
Columbia Basin



Bart Orth

Eastern Region 
Upper Columbia



Terry Petty

Idaho Region 
Snake River
North Idaho



Kent Mankins

General Council
General Presbyter



Jerry Beebe

Finance Team Chair



Gail Johnsen

Appointed Executive Presbyter



Christi Villarias

Appointed Executive Presbyter


Network Presbyters


Dan Pursley

Mount Baker Area



Brent Kimball

Skagit Area



Ryan Loffer

Greater Everett Area



Dwayne Smith

Metro North Area



Charlie Salmon

Metro Northeast Area



Jennifer Smith

Metro South Area



Greg Parsons

Tacoma East Area



Tyson Lash

Tacoma West Area



Amy DeVries

West Sound Area



Dave Westman

Olympic Peninsula Area



Myron Ness

Coastal Area



Kyle Wisdom

Capital Area



Jeannie Collins

Mount Rainier Area



Bryan Davenport

Lower Columbia Area



Randy Base

Yakima Area




Tri-Cities/Walla Walla Area



Allan Fox

Columbia Basin Area



Allen Swayze

Wenatchee Valley Area



Ty Weaver

Okanogan Area



Sean Wilkerson

Upper Columbia Area



Josh Hall

Spokane Area



Jeff Smith

North Idaho Area



Steve Little

Snake River Area



Emilie Baca

Appointed Network Presbyter



Mitch Ellithorpe

Appointed Network Presbyter



David Fowler

Appointed Network Presbyter



Keila Garza

Appointed Network Presbyter



Tony Mattar

Appointed Network Presbyter


Bylaws & Reports


Questions? Contact Ellacia Creed

  • 2023 Executive Summary and Audited Financial Statements

  • 2023 Annual Church Ministries Report (ACMR)

  • 2023 Church Giving Report

  • 2023 NETpartners Report (Jan - July)

  • NWMN Bylaws

  • NWMN Organizational Chart

Network Map

Founded in 1934 by the Northwest Ministry Network Assemblies of God, Northwest University is a regionally accredited, Christian institution awarding accociate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. They have been preparing students to lead in their careers for over 80 years and offer a variety of degree programs to meet the needs of an ever changing society.

Located in Kirkland, WA Northwest University is just minutes away from Seattle as well as areas that are great for the outdoors. Also located in the Seattle area near the NU campus are some of the most successful companies today including Microsoft, Google, Boeing and Amazon.

Since the begining, Northwest University has been a Christ-centered institution, and has not wavered. Learn more about Northwest University today at northwestu.edu

Master's Programs available to qualify for NWMN/AG Credentials to enhance
your ministry leadership skills:

Dr. Don Detrick, NWMN Executive Officer contact for more details: [email protected]
NU College of Ministry Graduate Programs

Employment Opportunities

The vision of the Northwest Ministry Network is to strengthen and develop empowered leaders and churches. All postions support that vision.

There are currently no open positions at the network office.

Contact us


Northwest Ministry Network
35131 SE Douglas Street, Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065

o: (425) 888-4800   |   f: (425) 888-4848

35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
o: (425) 888-4800        |       f: (425) 888-4848