

** There is a CAPACITY LIMIT for NW Kids camps! Registration is first come, first serve **

Make sure to add any transportation costs or administrative fees to your church's advertised price.



STEP 1 Register as a Church Group Coordinator
Kids Pastor/Leader Sign up in the link below.
Register Here for Camp Coordinator


STEP 2  Complete Registration for Student and Cabin Staff

Receive your customized link for your church (within 72 hours)

Use your customized link to register both students and leaders. Everyone registers online!

Ensure Cabin Staff and students' parents complete the waiver/consent form from DocuSign correctly and in full.


STEP 3  Complete the Church Leadership Reference Form for each of your Cabin Staff

Download the form here. Completed forms can be submitted at the start of camp. 


STEP 4  Have Cabin Staff complete training

             All Cabin Staff must study the cabin staff training manual prior to arriving at camp.

             You can download that form HERE.


STEP 5  Collect registration payment and mail it to the Network Office or pay online

Mail to:

NWMN - Attn: Kids Camp
35131 SE Douglas St. Ste, 200
Snoqualmie, WA 98065

or Pay online: HERE - Online payment is available with a 3% transaction fee.


Group Ratios
Church groups MUST maintain an 8:1 ratio for the size of their group. For example, eight boys require one male leader, 16 girls require two female leaders, etc. Churches that cannot supply an adequate number of leaders may be asked to remove attendees from their group or risk their group being split across multiple cabins to maintain leader ratios.
Background Checks
Cabin Staff must be at least 18 years old and pass a background check.
Reference Form
All Cabin Staff must have a Reference Form completed on their behalf by their Lead Pastor, Kids Pastor, or Church Board Member. Download the form, and please complete one per leader serving as Cabin Staff.
Cabin Staff Training
All NW Kids Camp Cabin Staff and Event Staff are REQUIRED to complete Cabin Staff Training. Failure to complete adequate Cabin Staff training could result in leaders being sent home during camp.
Payment for camp is due at registration on day one of your camp. You will receive a camp invoice after the closing of each registration type. This invoice can either be paid online here or by check. For checks, please mail them to the network office with ATTN: Kid’s Ministry. If you have late registrations, that invoice will be adjusted to reflect all the campers after the late registration deadline closes.
You can see the status of waivers as PENDING or SIGNED on your camp coordinator brushfire login. Each student must register on Brushfire, have a signed DocuSign waiver, and have a medical sheet printed with medicine in original packing. Leaders need to register on Brushfire, have a signed DocuSign waiver, and have a leader reference form submitted on their behalf. We will process background checks. If you would like to have a waiver RESENT, please email Ashley.
Group Leader Text Commmunications
This year, we have a texting service avalible for group leaders at camp. This service will parodically give you updates at camp. To opt-in, text "NWKIDS" to (888) 505-1467


  • Packing List

  • Cabin Staff Training Manual

  • Church Leadership Reference Form

  • Camp Promo Graphics

  • Medication Form

- Frequently Asked Questions -

What if someone isn't showing in my church registration group?

If someone is not listed in your group, then they are not registered for camp. Why?

  • It's possible that they added a registrant to their Brushfire cart, but never submitted the registration.
  • They accidentally created their own group for registration, rather than joined yours.
  • They haven't registered at all.
Make sure everyone in your group clicks SUBMIT at the end of their Brushfire registration and FINISH at the end of signing their Docusign waiver/consent form.


What if a applicant's waiver/consent form status is pending?
  • The waiver email was sent to a junk mailbox and never received.
  • A parent and/or leader started their form, but closed their browser before clicking "finish."
  • The leader or parent hasn't opened the form to sign yet.
You are responsible for every student and leader (applicant) waiver to be SIGNED and not PENDING. Student and Cabin Staff CANNOT attend camp if the status of their waiver is PENDING. Waivers must be signed and completed BEFORE registration cut-off dates, otherwise their registration is incomplete and void and they will be turned away at camp check-in.


Why doesn't my leader have a completed background check or reference form?

Background checks cannot be run UNTIL the waiver is complete. The status of background checks and reference forms are MANUALLY (not automatically) updated by NWMN staff, so processing may take a few days.

We have our own process of registering students through our church.
Can i have parents register through my church and then register all my students with the network at one time?

We need each student's parent/guardian's contact info, email, and digitial signature attached to each student. Parents/Guardians must sign the waiver/consent form for their student; this cannot be signed by the church leader or any other leader, apart from the minor's legal guardian. Similarly, we require cabin staff to sign their own waiver/consent form and this cannot be signed by the church leader. The waiver/consent forms are legally binding documents and must be treated as such.


Therefore, you can register your entire group at one time, but you MUST associate the parent's email to the student and the applicant's email to their cabin staff registration. Waiver/consent forms will be sent to these email addresses and must be signed by the parents of minors and personally by the applicant for cabin staff. If you decide to register students and/or leaders, please make parents and/or cabin staff applicants aware to check their inbox for the digital signature requirement email.

If a student doesn't come, do i have to pay for them?

You will be required to pay for each student and/or leader in your group. Unless you make the Children's Admin aware that there is a cancelation in your group, it will be assumed that all registrants are attending and will therefore, be listed on the invoice owed by your group.

Can parents come and visit their kids during camp?

NWMN Summer Camps operate as a Closed Campus. Parents have the ability to drop off their student when camp begins, as well as personally pick them up at the end of camp, if arranged with the Children's Leader. However, parents are not allowed to come and go throughout the week, unless they register as cabin staff, complete registration, and digitally sign the waiver/consent form. Similarly, parents may not remove their student from the camp premises throughout the week. For the safety of our students and church groups, we strictly adhere to this closed campus policy.

If I'm the camp coordinator, do i have to attend camp?

No. The Camp Coordinator is in charge of managing their church group, making sure all waivers/consent forms are signed, and payment is collected and sent to the Northwest Ministry Network. This does not require the individual to attend camp; simply, manage the group attending and make sure an adequate amount of leaders attend with the students (8:1 ratio).

Can i send students without leaders?

NWKids requires an 8:1 ratio of students to leaders. For example, if you send 9 boys, 2 male leaders will be required. If you send 8 girls, 1 female leader will be required. NWKids does not provide a surplus of leaders, but depends on the individual church to send adequate leaders with their group. If this poses a challenge, please contact the children's admin and explain the situation. Note: if you are not able to send an adequate amount of leaders, your group may be split up among differnet cabins, teams, and color groups, in order to lodge them with churches who do have enough leaders.

What do i do if i have a student who requires medication?

Located on the Camp Coordinator page is a link to download the Medication Form. Have parents complete this form 24 hours prior to camp, listing the medication name, dosage amount, and dosage time. Bring the completed Medication Form and medicine, in the original prescription bottle in a Ziploc bag, to the camp nurse upon arrival. Students must have this form, in order for the camp nurse to have authority to administer medications during camp. The cabin staff, provided by your church and assigned to the cabin with said student, will be responsible for taking the student to the camp nurse's office for every required dosage time throughout camp.

Can i bring Junior leaders to help in cabins?

Jr Cabin Staff is an opportunity for leading high school students to attend NW Kids Camp in a cabin staff supporting role - to elevate the camp experience for kids and explore their own ministry calling. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Adult:student ratios still apply.
  • Cabin safety/security practices still apply.
  • Register similar to students please email Ashley for questions.
Can our group register with paper applications instead of online?

Our registration process has moved online and we no longer provide paper applications. Since everything is online now, we wanted to provide an online system that is simplified and easy to use, putting the power in the hands of parents of students and cabin staff applicants! If your church has trouble with the online system, feel free to contact the Children's Admin for help with the process. An exception to the registration process can be made, only in extreme situations. The Children's Admin will determine whether an exception will be made only on a case-by-case basis.

What if a student and/or leader has dietary restrictions?

Camp facilities contains wheat, gluten, eggs, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts and other potential allergens. Please note they are not a peanut-free facility, nor a gluten-free kitchen, and food may be close to or exposed to any of the above listed allergens.


Our preset menu is served buffet style in a dining hall. Gluten-free or dairy-free options may not always be available. Dietary needs, are best met by the guest attending. Please plan accordingly. We provide refrigeration and microwave for your convenience.

What to bring? What not to bring?

What TO bring:

  • Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, blanket)
  • Bible, pen or pencil
  • Toiletries, insect repellant, sunscreen, chapstick
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Flashlight
  • Medications in original prescription bottle in Ziplock bag, if applicable (cabin staff will keep secure during week)
  • One-piece swim attire and active clothes / 2 towels
  • Change of clothes for 5 days and modest pajamas w/ bathrobe
  • Warm jacket and/or sweatshirt
  • Tennis shoes, extra pair of shoes and shower sandals
  • Money for snack shack
  • Money for camp t-shirt $12 (optional)
  • Money for missions project for KMC (optional, but encouraged)
What NOT to bring:
  • Fireworks
  • Illegal or recreational drugs, tobacco or vaping products, matches, knives, weapons, or other items of dangerous or harmful nature
  • Anything that is valuable: watches, jewelry, etc.
  • We discourage you from bringing electronics that are easily damaged or stolen or a distraction to you or other campers
  • Pets
  • Game consoles


What is the refund policy?

To honor our budget and facility, we have full refunds available till one month out from camp,75% four weeks from the start of camp, 50% two weeks out from the start of camp, and registration is NON-REFUNDABLE if canceled within a week before the start of camp unless you have an emergency circumstance. For any questions on the refund policy please get in touch with Ashley Wagner



35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
o: (425) 888-4800        |       f: (425) 888-4848