

Bible Studies

Opening the Door

By Holley Gerth

With the encouraging help of Holley Gerth, women are discovering and recovering their God-sized dreams. But between taking those first steps in pursuit of your dream and reaching your goal is a bumpy road of second-guessing, doubt, and fear. For the dreamer who wants a helping hand and a heartfelt friend along the way, Holley graciously offers this inspiring devotional journey to greater trust, joy, and confidence.

Rather than the typical quiet devotional, this 40-day journey is an invitation and a challenge, a soul-soother and a game-changer. Through honest self-reflection and positive action, readers will not be the same on the last page as they were on the first--and neither will their view of God or the dreams he's placed within their hearts. Any woman who is ready to take that next step in making her God-sized dream a reality will cherish this confidence-building devotional.

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Passion Pursuit

By Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery

By using scripture throughout the Bible, Passion Pursuit not only urges women to pursue passion but details how God has given them permission to do so. They soon realize their husband would rather be married to the Smokin' Hot Mama in Song of Solomon than the Proverbs 31 woman! Yes, there is fun to be had along the way but this study hits hard the areas that women have secret questions about but no one to ask, such as: what does God say is okay and not okay in the bedroom? I'm 54 years old; how can  my husband still be attracted to me? Did God make a mistake when He made men and women so different?

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Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity

By Keri Wyatt Kent

Keri Wyatt Kent invites readers to rediscover the ancient practice of Sabbath in this practical and accessible book. Kent's experiences as a retreat leader and a journalist collide as she offers true, interview-based stories along with scripturally based advice and guidance on how to live in a rhythm of work and rest she calls 'Sabbath simplicity.' Based on what Jesus taught about Sabbath and how he practiced it, Kent explores six aspects of Sabbath as Christian spiritual practice: resting, reconnecting, revising, pausing, playing, and praying. These are the antidote to our restlessness, isolation, and our hurried lives, workaholism, and self-absorption. Living a non-legalistic, sanely paced, God-focused life leads us to freedom and grace, joy and connection. A group study guide is included, making this book an excellent choice for small groups.

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SaveOne-A Guide to Emotional Healing after Abortion

By Sheila Harper

SaveOne is for girls and women seeking deliverance from the pain and guilt of an abortion. This is a guide as well as a workbook, researched and written by a woman who had an abortion when she was a teenager. For seven years, Sheila Harper carried with her the shame and humiliation of her abortion, only to find deliverance through God's abundant grace. This book is a revealing look at post-abortion pain and guilt, emotions that have been left unchecked, out of control, for months, perhaps years. Let SaveOne  help you pinpoint those debilitating emotions and guide you toward God's grace and His renewal of your mind. Step by step, this guide shows you how to rely on your  Creator for the courage to deal with the past, while answering questions such as: Is there life after abortion? Why am I an emotional wreck? Can I really overcome guilt and be set free? Does God really care about me?

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Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

By Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts is a comprehensive marriage program designed specifically for today's couples. And now, this updated edition, has been expanded to incorporate ten more years of feedback, research, and professional experience. This is more than a book - it's practically a self-guided premarital counseling course, and it is used by counselors and churches across the country. Questions at the end of every chapter help you explore each topic personally. Companion men's and women's workbooks, full of self-tests and exercises, help you apply what you learn and enjoy enriching discussions along the way. Make your marriage everything it is meant to be. Save your marriage before (and after) it starts.

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By Angie Smith

Understanding The Bible As One Complete Story

In seven sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Participants will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word. Each week of study features key information that ties all of scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message and is accompanied by maps, general Bible facts, and word studies.

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Ten Women of the Bible, Study Guide

By Max Lucado

Their actions stood out to the writers of Scripture, even though society overlooked their contributions. In Ten Women of the Bible, a 10-session workbook, Lucado tells the stories of 10 pivotal biblical women, including Sarah, Rahab, Abigail, Esther, Sapphira, Mary Magdalene, and others. Each session features insights and study questions that explore their lives - and help you apply the lessons to yours.

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The Armor of God

By Priscilla Shirer

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The Enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For

By Lisa Harper

Immediately. Let’s go. Right away. Now. Get up. Then ... Mark’s narrative moves quickly and you sense the action in the story of Jesus’ life. It’s teaching presented as the gospel – good news powerfully announced in a world of bad news. This gospel emphasizes not only that Jesus is “the Son of God” (1:1; 15:39) but also that this fact demands a response. The Gospel of Mark highlights Jesus’ unparalleled spiritual power and authority, leading us to consider for ourselves the question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29)

The Gospel of Mark: the Jesus we’re aching for partners the compassion of Jesus with the passion of Christ. We see how the heart of God is moved by the heart of humanity and His response to our loud cry for help. We discover the world-changing result of being recipients of His compassion and the reason for His passion, all the way to the cross.

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The Law of Love: Lessons from the Pages of Deuteronomy

By Beth Moore

Known for presenting Scripture in living color, Christian speaker and Bible study author Beth Moore enjoys getting to serve women of every age and denomination, and she is passionate about women knowing and loving the Word of God. Beth's broad collection of LifeWay women Bible studies covers relevant topics from believing God to be Who He says He is to loving difficult people. Each in-depth study guides you on your faith journey. Beth and husband Keith praise God for over 30 years of marriage. They enjoy  raveling, hiking, drinking coffee on the back porch, eating Mexican food, making each other laugh, walking their dogs, and being grandparents

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