



Register Here

Your student has shared that they sense God calling them into vocational ministry.

Your church leadership is partnering with other churches from across the Northwest in what is the Called Collective. While all of us share the same call to go into all the world and make disciples, it is clear in scripture that God still calls some to serve him specifically (Ephesians 4). Whether your student has a clear direction and focus or are just discovering the diverse opportunities in calling, our aim will be to serve as a resource for that discovery. In all things, we will encourage them to grow in their discipleship. 


What will Called Collective look like?

Each student must prepare for each session by uploading assessments and profile projects. Each student must purchase their own books. Assessments will be provided.

This is a 7-session zoom cohort with a fall kick off tour. Students are encouraged to attend one of the kickoff meetings (locations below). Designed for High Schoolers and recent grads (Grades 6-8 are encouraged to enter the cohort come high school).


CALLED NOW TOUR | September 19-21

Northwest University | September 19th | 6pm
Faith Tri-Cities | September 20th | 6pm


Fall Zoom Meetings (all at 6:30pm)

October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd


Spring Zoom Meetings (all at 6:30pm)

January 20th
February 17th
March 17th
April 12th



Students will purchase their resources and there will be a cost associated with the retreat.

35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
o: (425) 888-4800        |       f: (425) 888-4848