Make a big investment in your leadership with just a little time. These 7-min talks are created to challege and equip you as you navigate your journey in ministry.
Join Youth Pastor, Tyler Schafer, as he teaches on the opportunity we have to bring good news to troubled hearts.
Join Youth Pastor, Zack Cash, as he talks on how to build and develop a positive relationship with your lead pastor.
Join Youth Pastor, Mitch Ellithorpe, as he starts the conversation on the value on faithfulness and consistency in ministry.
Now an Associate Pastor at Canyon Creek Church, veteran YP, Morgan Butcher, takes a few moments to share what he would do more of and what he would never do again as he reflects on his years spent in youth ministry.
Statistics show that 50-70% of students walk away from their faith or faith community after high school. Join Chad Dickenson as he teaches on how intergenerational ministry can help students continue to live out their faith after graduation.
35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 o: (425) 888-4800 | f: (425) 888-4848